Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blogging partners bring more local headlines to RegisterCitizen.Com

The Register Citizen is showcasing the work of local bloggers and other news sites on RegisterCitizen.Com in a series of partnerships that could eventually include an advertising sales relationship that turns "hobby" citizen journalist sites into money-making small businesses.
The immediate goal for us is to provide a more comprehensive package of local news headlines on RegisterCitizen.Com while driving traffic to local blogs and partner news sites.
A feed of headlines now appears on The Register Citizen home page from "In Touch With the Litchfield Hills," a blog written by Torrington resident Mike Valletta, and "Devil's Advocate," a blog by Terry Cowgill covering local news topics and commentary from the Northwest Corner.
RegisterCitizen.Com is also, as of this week, carrying a feed of the latest local news programs on podcast from WHDD radio, the NPR radio station from Sharon.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Meet our bear ... "Cub Reporter"

You named it, and here it is ... "Cub Reporter," the bear sculpture that The Register Citizen sponsored as part of the Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce's "Bear-live It Or Not" fundraiser/tourism effort.
CLICK HERE to read reporter Jessie Sawyer's story about the program and interview with "Cub Reporter" artist Joan Pavlinsky.

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