Blogging partners bring more local headlines to RegisterCitizen.Com
The Register Citizen is showcasing the work of local bloggers and other news sites on RegisterCitizen.Com in a series of partnerships that could eventually include an advertising sales relationship that turns "hobby" citizen journalist sites into money-making small businesses.
The immediate goal for us is to provide a more comprehensive package of local news headlines on RegisterCitizen.Com while driving traffic to local blogs and partner news sites.
A feed of headlines now appears on The Register Citizen home page from "In Touch With the Litchfield Hills," a blog written by Torrington resident Mike Valletta, and "Devil's Advocate," a blog by Terry Cowgill covering local news topics and commentary from the Northwest Corner.
RegisterCitizen.Com is also, as of this week, carrying a feed of the latest local news programs on podcast from WHDD radio, the NPR radio station from Sharon.
Labels: WHDD