Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Twitter feed for every need

If you are on Twitter, or have been thinking about it, we have you covered in terms of local news and information.
Foothills Media Group, including The Register Citizen, Foothills Trader and weekly newspapers, quarterly magazines and Web sites, has the following feeds running on Twitter. Click on the links below to start following them for links to breaking news stories as well as exclusive updates on local news and information that aren't available anywhere else.

The Register Citizen


Monday, January 4, 2010

A Note To Readers

Jan. 1, 2010

To Our Readers:

On behalf of our entire team here at The Register Citizen, we hope that you have had a happy holiday season and we wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

We are happy to be producing a newspaper for you at the start of 2010 that is much improved compared to the start of 2009, and we hope you’ll agree that is the case.

At the same time, we see many areas, every day, where we can and will do a better job. We share your frustration with spelling, grammar and proofreading errors. And we’ve seen far too many missed opportunities to go deeper into a local news story and leave fewer questions unanswered.

Over the past year, we have again expanded local news and local sports content, particularly in our Sunday paper, and added new features such as locally themed crossword puzzles and word searches every day.

No longer are we presenting the news only once a day, and only on newsprint. You can get breaking news at all hours at You can even sign up to receive daily headlines and breaking local news alerts by email.

And readers of The Register Citizen have turned to the story commenting function of our Web site in droves, 24/7, to participate in “Sound Off” and debate the issues of the day with each other.

In 2010, expect to see our online presence continue to grow, with an expansion of local breaking news alerts and the launch of local news videos.

Our commitment to improving the print edition of The Register Citizen is stronger than ever, and we are eager to hear from you about what is wrong, what is right, what is missing. Our editor, Jordan Fenster, can be reached at or 860-489-3121, ext. 333. Our managing editor, Liz Strillacci, can be reached at, or 860-489-3121, ext. 334.

We also recognize that none of this is of use to you if you are not getting your copy of the newspaper on time, and where you want it. Or if dealing with your bill or requesting a vacation stop is so aggravating that you don’t want to pick up the phone. If you ever have trouble resolving a problem with your delivery or your bill, please don’t hesitate to contact our circulation director, Timothy Lee, directly at 860-489-3121, ext. 370.

And as always, please feel free to contact me directly with any question, problem or suggestion relating to your newspaper and how we can do a better job serving you.

Matt DeRienzo

Publisher, The Register Citizen

860-489-3121, ext. 350