Monday, August 3, 2009

Register Citizen to re-launch TV book

Bucking a nationwide trend and its own decision to eliminate it last year, The Register Citizen will be re-launching a weekly TV listings book starting this Sunday, Aug. 9.

The new 24-page tabloid will go far beyond what used to be offered in The Register Citizen’s Sunday TV book. It will include seven days’ worth of TV listings, printed entirely in color, and will also have articles, editor’s picks, TV and celebrity gossip news, puzzles and more.

The Register Citizen eliminated its Sunday TV book last year as interest among subscribers declined in favor of the interactive TV guide functions that come with new cable TV boxes. But a core group of readers remain interested in having a printed TV book, and so the newspaper is re-launching the book on a subscription basis.

Subscribers who wish to receive it can have the new TV book included in their Sunday paper for an additional 50 cents a week. To sign up, all you have to do is call 860-489-1450 and ask for the TV book to be added to your subscription, or make the request by email at and include your account information.

The new TV book will be included free of charge in all copies of the Sunday Register Citizen this Sunday, Aug. 9, and the following Sunday, Aug. 16, so that readers can sample it.


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