Monday, April 27, 2009

Every Town Has A Green

For the second year, The Register Citizen is publishing a glossy-cover magazine just before Memorial Day called "Every Town Has A Green."
It will focus on the history of and many summertime activities and events associated with Northwest Connecticut's historic town greens.
For more information about having your event included, contact Editor Jordan Fenster at or call him at 860-489-3121, ext. 333.

Post your own calendar events

LitchfieldCountyMom.Com has launched a brand new events calendar that allows you to search by topic, date, date range, etc., allows you to email calendar items to friends, and allows you to upload your own family-friendly community events for other local moms to see. Check it out at’s a great resource for local organizations, school and church groups and community fundraising efforts to make sure that all of their events are out there for the public to see. It’s also structured to provide unlimited space to explain the details of the event, and even allows you to upload a photo to go with it.

LitchfieldCountyMom.Com's on Twitter

LitchfieldCountyMom.Com has joined the Twitter craze and you can now follow the site at

LATEST COLUMN: What summer camp can do

MATT DeRIENZO: What summer camp can do for local kids
It’s amazing to me how a scent can trigger memories. Particular cleaning products bring me right back to the immaculate Lynn, Mass., home of my late grandparents. And not just how it smelled, but details right down to the words of wisdom such as “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” embroidered in little picture frames on the wall.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Follow LitchfieldCountyMom.Com on Facebook

LitchfieldCountyMom.Com has a page on Facebook, and by becoming a fan of that page, you can get the latest updates from LitchfieldCountyMom.Com as part of your "news feed" when you log in to Facebook.
Click here to check out our page (make sure you are logged on to Facebook first), or search for "wwwlitchfieldcountymomcom" (without the "dots").

LATEST COLUMN: Why we allow anonymous online comments

Why we allow anonymous comments online
I’ve addressed and defended the concept of our daily “Sound Off” before.
More troubling to many critics of any form of “anonymous” opinion feature is what is happening 24/7 on our Web site,
Newspapers in general are split over how to handle public comment and reader interaction on the Web.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Playground Finder, Museum Finder launched

Two features now up and running on our new LitchfieldCountyMom.Com site are the "Playground Finder" and the "Museum Finder."
The Playground Finder includes details, reviews and photos on more than 100 local playgrounds throughout Litchfield County's 26 towns. We sent various parents out into each community to write about what ages they are appropriate for, etc.
The Museum Finder includes information and photos on more than 150 museums throughout the entire state of Connecticut, including art museums, children's museums, science museums, history museums and museums devoted to more obscure topics, from clocks to garbage to puppetry.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

LitchfieldCountyMom.Com offering daily news links

LitchfieldCountyMom.Com is up and running, and unlike many "specialty" Web sites, it is being updated with new content every day, 365 days a year.
One daily feature is "The Mom Files," which provides a comprehensive set of links first thing in the morning to news articles from throughout Litchfield County that would be of interest to mothers. It also includes links to state and national news.
The aim is to provide a one-stop spot for news, information and resources for moms.

LATEST COLUMN: The disadvantage of youth

The disadvantage of youth
Nearly four years after making history with his election as Torrington mayor at the age of 22, Ryan Bingham is still at a disadvantage, at least some days, because of his youth.