Monday, March 16, 2009
LATEST COLUMN: A Litchfield County dad’s take on ‘Litchfield County Mom’
Does anyone know a good playground that’s suitable for a 2-year-old rather than geared toward kindergarten age and above?
Are there any day care centers around here flexible enough to allow for a schedule of care that might change every week?
What are my options this weekend if I want something that would be fun for the whole family, without costing a lot and without requiring me to drive a long distance?
Friday, March 13, 2009
We're looking for playground reviewers
And we're looking for local parents to go out into all 26 towns in Litchfield County and write reviews of every playground, park, hiking trail and other public family recreation spot.
They will be plugged into an interactive, searchable map program for that will be just one part of a comprehensive new Web site for Litchfield County moms.
If you'd like to be one of our reviewers, contact Editor Jordan Fenster at
CLICK HERE for more information about LitchfieldCountyMom.Com.
LATEST COLUMN: WZBG's altruism improves our communities
There is a mostly untold story about the generosity and community-mindedness of local people and businesses who tend not to call attention to their charity.
WZBG 97.3 FM radio falls under that category.
LATEST COLUMN: Economy presents opportunity for us to expand
Economy presents opportunities for us to expand
Over the past year, The Register Citizen has launched “Good News About Torrington,” a community weekly that goes to every house and business in the city, and has taken over management of the Thomaston Express.
Now the Foothills Trader, another publication we produce, is launching a fifth publication, and a few weeks from now, we‘ll be launching a sixth.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Entire Torrington revaluation to be printed on Sunday
In a special 40-page broadsheet section, free within all Sunday papers delivered or sold in Torrington only, we will print every address in the city (14,000-plus properties) and the new valuation set by an outside firm hired by the city.
We will print the same information from the last revaluation in 2003, so homeowners can compare properties from them and now.
If you don't live in Torrington but own property or are interested, you can find the section inside any Sunday paper for sale at local convenience stores, grocery stores and outside coin racks.